Kata-Kata Inspirasi Selepas

Mengalami Sesuatu Kegagalan
1. Manusia yang berjaya akan memperolehi keuntungan daripada kesilapannya, dan mencuba lagi dengan cara yang lain.

2. Kegagalan bermakna bahawa anda belum berjaya lagi.

3. Ingatlah bahawa anda boleh gagal dalam apa sahaja dalam hidup asalkan tidak menjadi seorang yang gagal.

4. Kegagalan bukan bermakna anda tidak mencapai apa-apa.Ia bermakna anda telah mempelajari sesuatu.

5. Kesilapan mengajar kita tentang apa yang perlu kita pelajari selepas itu.

6. Apa yang anda pelajari selepas kegagalan sahaja yang dikira.Kegagalan itu sendiri tidak dikira.

7. Anda tidak gagal.Anda hanya menemui cara yang tidak berkesan.

8. Kesilapan adalah realiti kehidupan.yang penting adalah tindakbalas terhadap kesilapan itu.

9. Malah kesilapan pun mungkin menjadi perkara penting bagi menjamin kejayaan yang bernilai.

10. "Lulus" dan "Gagal" adalah cara lama mengkategorikan seseeorang.Cara baru ialah "pengetahuan" dan"Kejahilan".


Thursday, January 27, 2011

2PM I’ll Be Back lyrics (ENGLISH)

I’ll be back, you’re going to look for me again. I’ll come back then
Because there is no one who can love you as much as I do

What do I do if you’re like this all of a sudden, what the hell am I supposed to do
How can you be like this, I believed you when you said you would love me forever
You promised me, we would never change, we were definitely meant to be
We were definitely meant for each other. That’s what you said

I’ll be back, you’re going to look for me again. I’ll come back then
Because there is no one who can love you as much as I do

You’ll be back, you’re going to come back to me, that’s why I’m letting you go
I know it, you can’t live without me, I’ll be back

You, me, we can’t say goodbye, you must be confused
This is something that everyone goes through once, get your head straight
Think again, no matter what I say, you already
Don’t listen to my words, it comes back as an echo

Listen baby girl
Fine, I will turn away for you, I will coolly let you go like a man
And I won’t bother you, silently from behind you
I will stand silent as the grave, looking at you from afar without you knowing
From very far away, so that you will completely forget my existence UH–

But you better know that I’m not giving you away
Will I ever stop waiting no way
It’ll be the same in my world I’m your boy You’re my Girl
I’m letting you go for a bit, but you will come back again
I know, so don’t worry, when you collapse I’ll be back.

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